Hope College CIT - Status Page

Experiencing partially degraded performance

WiFi Issues on Campus Today
  • Update

    CIT continues to make small tweaks to our new WiFi system to ensure peak performance. Please reach out to us (cit@hope.edu or 616.395.7670) if you find any spots around campus where WiFi signal is not adequate.

  • Monitoring

    We have implemented another fix and are currently monitoring the result. Please let us know if you continue to have issues today.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating reports that some buildings are experiencing connectivity issues. We are looking into it.

  • Monitoring

    We implemented a fix and are currently monitoring the result. If you experience WiFi issues again please let us know!

  • Investigating

    CIT is currently investigating reports of slowness of WIFI on campus. Wired internet is unaffected. We are working with our hardware vendor on a fix. If you need a workaround for on-campus locations that are unaffected please let us know.

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